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Work Engagement Profile

Comprehensive measure of internal motivation

Fully engaged employees give their company crucial competitive advantages - specifically higher productivity, lower turnover, and sales growth. The Work Engagement Profile helps individuals and organisations ensure sustainable levels of employee engagement. Instead of focusing on extrinsic rewards -pay, benefits, awards, and so on -this assessment exclusively focuses on intrinsic rewards. In doing so it provides insights that can directly affect your organisation's bottom line, because it addresses work engagement at the core level - the employee’s feelings about the work itself.


The assessment measures four intrinsic rewards:

  • Meaningfulness: the opportunity a person perceives to pursue a worthy work purpose.

  • Choice: the opportunity a person perceives to select activities that make sense to them, and to perform them in ways that seem appropriate.

  • Competence: the sense of accomplishment that a person experiences in skilfully performing the activities they choose.

  • Progress: the accomplishment a person experiences in advancing toward the work purpose.


The Work Engagement Profile can be used in all levels of the organisation for development purposes. It provides the following benefits:

  • Helps individuals understand the level of the intrinsic rewards they are receiving from their work, and it influences their engagementon a personal level

  • Identifies options to help increase engagement in the workplace

  • Offers important discussion points for employee and manager

  • Is effective in one-on-one coaching, leadership development, and team building purposes


An Interpretive Report is available which offers a graphic presentation of scores and personalised analysis of results. Interpretive information for the scores of each intrinsic reward includes buildingblocks for improving and strengthening that reward.


Although South African research is not currently available for the Work Engagement Profile, JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified


Global norms



Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Kenneth W. Thomas and Walter G. Tymon Jr.


The Myers-Briggs Company

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