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Ethics is blurrier than fiction: Diversity in the workplace.

Explore ethical principles, theories, and concepts through movies.


Diversity in the workplace is not an ethical issue per se, and we are well aware of the advantages. However, what are the ethical implications of promoting, or not promoting, diversity in the workplace? What are the ethical considerations when promoting diversity in the workplace? What are the dangers of encouraging a diverse workplace? The movie The Theory of Everything is used to discuss this concept.

Includes 10 quiz questions

This programme is valid for 1 month and you will need to complete the full programme within a month of receiving the access link.

Have a look at our other Ethics is blurrier than fiction episodes:

·        Exploring informed consent

·        How values impact the morality of decision

·        Do the means justify the ends?

·        The use and abuse of power

·        Does “scope of practice” have a gray area? – coming soon

·        The ethical considerations of work-life balance– coming soon

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Online courses or programmes are intended to broaden the knowledge of psychology and other professionals but do not constitute a formal qualification. The completion of any course or programme does not licence any person to practice outside their official scope of practice. Professionals should be registered with the HPCSA to perform any psychological act within South Africa.

Course Details

Duration: 1 hour

Presented by: Nicola Keeve

Materials included:

  • 2 Ethics CPD's

Prerequisites: None

Price (South Africa): R546.00

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DISCLAIMER: Presenters and attendees of all CPD activities must please note that the attainment of continuing education units (CEUs) does not licence any professional to practice outside their official scope of practice. CEUs are intended to broaden the knowledge of professionals but do not constitute professional training. Professionals should be registered with the HPCSA to perform any psychological act.

Online courses or programmes are intended to broaden the knowledge of psychology professionals but do not constitute a formal qualification. The completion of any course or programme does not licence any person to practice outside their official scope of practice. Professionals should be registered with the HPCSA to perform any psychological act.

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